Sunday, May 1, 2011


SOOOOO... today has been the most wonderful tiring day!  Today was marathon day!  I completed my first (and not even close to my last) half marathon!  I feel so AMAZING and accomplished!  I was in tears at about the 10 mile mark and the finish line, because I could not believe I had done it!  It was the best run of my life!  I realized I had met 3 of my small goals I had set for myself!  First, I completed the half marathon....second, I ran the entire thing...never walking....and third, I beat my goal time by 9 minutes!  A WOO HOO!  I finished in 2 hours and 51 minutes!  I WILL start getting better as I loose more and more weight....I figured that was not to bad of a time for someone who is still 60 pounds over weight and was not able to train much!  But a HUGE congrats goes out to my amazing husband who ran his 4TH FULL MARATHON in his personal best at 3 hours and 57 minutes!  I am so proud of him and if were not for his love of running I would never have become a runner!  Also congrats to all my other amazing friends who ran the half and those other few who ran the full!  Thank you all so much for your support throughout my weight loss...and by the way....I'm back on track!  I lost 3 pounds this week!  I don't have a video weigh in because my good phone broke so I have a ghetto go phone, and my husbands was dead at weigh in!  I am at 203 which is 2 pounds over my lowest, but last week I was at I had gained, but now I am going back down!  I know every week I say I will be under 200, but I really think this is the week!  Thank you all again!  Love ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. You did great on your run and I bet this is your week to get to 200! I'm praying for you!
