Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm back

Monday, October 3, 2011

And.....I'M BACK!

Well the day has finally come!  I'M BACK....and for good this time!  I have thought about my blog every single day for the last 4 months!  Just like I have also struggled with my weight the last 4 months!  But I am going to do things a little different this time.  Well mostly the same, but last I "changed my life"  I really didn't, but this time I am going to change my life forever!  I am not stopping till I am at a happy comfortable weight.  If that weight is 115 pounds, or if it is at 170 pounds!  I am going to lose weight and feel great!  Another thing I am going to do different is not deprive myself of things.  When I first started my blog I remember I did not allow myself anything that was even remotely bad for me...like a piece of birthday cake...or a diet coke!   I have come to figure out that if I do deprive myself...eventually one day (around May last year)  I will just start eating them and not even within reason...like the whole piece of cake...or 2 and then diet coke replaces my water for the day!  Obviously that is not a good thing...hence the way I ended up off track!  I feel as if I allow myself a diet coke here and there (maybe one a day or every couple days) or if it's a special birthday and everyone is eating cake and I feel I can have a slice....then I'm going to do it!  My friend Lara Veazey (good friend and client) who is a nutrition specialist or something awesome like that told me....even though I said I was not dieting I was just changing my lifestyle....I was allowing myself nothing!  She said if I was some ice cream to go get a small portion of ice cream etc.  So that is how I'm going to do it!  So now onto the next part....my starting weight!  Well lets just say....it really isn't to bad, but I have gained about 10 pounds back :( I have done nothing for my weight these last few months:(  I had torn up my shoulder in April and it got so bad this summer I could barley do anything...then I finally had surgery on it six weeks ago and have not been able to do ANYTHING with it!  Even though I still should have been eating better...when I work out it just makes me feel that much better.... but here in about 45 minutes I will be hitting up the gym for the first time in a while!  Anyways my starting weight is 212.0!  Obviously not a good weight, but I am on my way:)   Well...I'm so excited about my journey beginning once again!  I'm on board and ready to go!  WWWWWOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!