Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This will happen

Side view

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm back

Monday, October 3, 2011

And.....I'M BACK!

Well the day has finally come!  I'M BACK....and for good this time!  I have thought about my blog every single day for the last 4 months!  Just like I have also struggled with my weight the last 4 months!  But I am going to do things a little different this time.  Well mostly the same, but last I "changed my life"  I really didn't, but this time I am going to change my life forever!  I am not stopping till I am at a happy comfortable weight.  If that weight is 115 pounds, or if it is at 170 pounds!  I am going to lose weight and feel great!  Another thing I am going to do different is not deprive myself of things.  When I first started my blog I remember I did not allow myself anything that was even remotely bad for a piece of birthday cake...or a diet coke!   I have come to figure out that if I do deprive myself...eventually one day (around May last year)  I will just start eating them and not even within the whole piece of cake...or 2 and then diet coke replaces my water for the day!  Obviously that is not a good thing...hence the way I ended up off track!  I feel as if I allow myself a diet coke here and there (maybe one a day or every couple days) or if it's a special birthday and everyone is eating cake and I feel I can have a slice....then I'm going to do it!  My friend Lara Veazey (good friend and client) who is a nutrition specialist or something awesome like that told me....even though I said I was not dieting I was just changing my lifestyle....I was allowing myself nothing!  She said if I was some ice cream to go get a small portion of ice cream etc.  So that is how I'm going to do it!  So now onto the next starting weight!  Well lets just really isn't to bad, but I have gained about 10 pounds back :( I have done nothing for my weight these last few months:(  I had torn up my shoulder in April and it got so bad this summer I could barley do anything...then I finally had surgery on it six weeks ago and have not been able to do ANYTHING with it!  Even though I still should have been eating better...when I work out it just makes me feel that much better.... but here in about 45 minutes I will be hitting up the gym for the first time in a while!  Anyways my starting weight is 212.0!  Obviously not a good weight, but I am on my way:)   Well...I'm so excited about my journey beginning once again!  I'm on board and ready to go!  WWWWWOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm am just posting to tell everyone I am NOT a quitter!  I am still on my journey I just got a little sidetracked!  It has not been  an easy month for me at all.  I actually gained 3 pounds:(  But as of this morning I have lost it back!  I have NOT and will NOT quit!  I am trying to not be so hard on myself, because that is why I feel like I started doing bad!  This week has been amazing and I can't wait for next week!  I hope you all still believe in me...and thank you all for all your support!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


SOOOOO... today has been the most wonderful tiring day!  Today was marathon day!  I completed my first (and not even close to my last) half marathon!  I feel so AMAZING and accomplished!  I was in tears at about the 10 mile mark and the finish line, because I could not believe I had done it!  It was the best run of my life!  I realized I had met 3 of my small goals I had set for myself!  First, I completed the half marathon....second, I ran the entire thing...never walking....and third, I beat my goal time by 9 minutes!  A WOO HOO!  I finished in 2 hours and 51 minutes!  I WILL start getting better as I loose more and more weight....I figured that was not to bad of a time for someone who is still 60 pounds over weight and was not able to train much!  But a HUGE congrats goes out to my amazing husband who ran his 4TH FULL MARATHON in his personal best at 3 hours and 57 minutes!  I am so proud of him and if were not for his love of running I would never have become a runner!  Also congrats to all my other amazing friends who ran the half and those other few who ran the full!  Thank you all so much for your support throughout my weight loss...and by the way....I'm back on track!  I lost 3 pounds this week!  I don't have a video weigh in because my good phone broke so I have a ghetto go phone, and my husbands was dead at weigh in!  I am at 203 which is 2 pounds over my lowest, but last week I was at I had gained, but now I am going back down!  I know every week I say I will be under 200, but I really think this is the week!  Thank you all again!  Love ya'll!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Choo choo... All aboard...unstoppable like a train

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Solid steel and sex appeal

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome Back!

Well everyone I'm back to stay!  I have not blogged or put a video up in about 2 weeks....but things have already changed for the better with my weight loss and are going to continue!  So I will be having a weigh in on Saturday morning!  I do believe I will be under 200 pounds on Saturday!  I am working hard and LOVING IT! This Sunday is the marathon and I am so pumped!  I am only doing the half, but super excited for it!  It has been so hard for me to train since Jonathan was out of town and I had no one to watch the girls while I ran, but I got to run yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks:)  I did 4.5 miles and it felt great!  I do believe I will do fine on Sunday, but I think it is going to probably take me about 30 minutes more than I was expecting or wanting, but my only goal is to run the entire time!  As long as I do that then my same goal I have had this entire process will be met!  I have been so hard on myself the past 2 and a half weeks because I have gotten a little off track, but I was thinking about it and I have lost 23.6 pounds....I have NEVER in my life done that!  If all I lost this year was 40 or 50 pounds... no it's not my goal weight, but I would not be upset at all!  I do believe I am back on track and will lose more than that....but I need to stop being so hard on myself!  Well I am so excited about Sunday and if anyone wants to come out to the marathon that will not already be there it is going to be a great time!  Also, good luck to the most amazing husband!  He is running is 4TH he is good!  He is going for his best time yet...under 4 hours!  I know he can do it!  Love you best friend!  Hope ya'll have a wonderful day and as always thank you all for your kind words and support!  Love you all!

Road to weight loss

Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby steps~

Well I feel like I am taking baby steps on getting back on track!  This week was a pretty good week!  I worked out only 3 times, but that is better than my last 2 weeks of no working out at all!  I have just be so exhausted and have not wanted to do it!  It's pretty sad considering the marathon is only like 2 weeks away!  I started back weight watchers this week and I feel pretty great and happy that I did it!  I do remember the reason I quit it in the first have to track and look up so much stuff and it just ends up being a pain!  But IT WORKS and is totally worth not the most convenient, but the best weight loss thing there is!  I know I have still been like hardcore slacking on blogging, it has just been a rough last couple weeks with Jonathan out of town and he has my computer etc.  But one day soon I will be back up and blogging more that 1 time or 2 times every 2 weeks!  I will also start taking photos again....Jonathan has not been home to take my pic:( but I am going to start again as soon as he gets home!  Well guys I am going to keep this short I have a baby screaming!  Thank you all again for EVERYTHING!  Ya'll have a fun weekend~

Sunday, April 10, 2011


First I want to start off by saying Thank you....Thank you to all of you for helpiung me through this hard time of my weight loss, but a BIG thank you to all of you who have commented on things and especially you who have written me messages!  You all have helped me more than you know and I really take what you give me in the kind words you said!  It's people like you that have made me get back on track and feel like I can do this!  Last week was kind of another slow week, but not nearly as bad as the week before.  This week is going to be WONDERFUL!  I started this week of with the Red Bud Classic 10k!  It was a pretty tough run today because of the heat and I just was not feeling it, but I finished it and I ran the whole time!  Always my only 2 goals during a run!  I have not posted my weigh in from last Friday, but I am going to hear in a bit.  It's one of my worse weigh ins, but I'm ok with that becasue I know I am going to do better this week!  Good news though....I finally started back weight watchers and I am so pumped about it!  So my weigh ins will now be held on Saturday mornings!  My husband left to go out of town for a couple of weeks :( but I have a goal of what I would like to lose by the time he gets back...and that is 7 pounds!  I think I can will be poretty tuff, but If I'm not lazy then I should be able to do it!  Well guys I am absolutely exhausted, but again wanted to say THANK YOU!  Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am SICK at my stomach at how irresponsible I have been with my weight loss blog as well as last week was a HORRIBLE week!  I just feel like crying because I feel like I let myself and everyone else down last week!  I didn't even blog or weigh in....  I didn't even cheat really, but I didn't eat much or probably the best things for me...and at that I didn't work out one time. feet were in so much pain, but I could have done so many other things!  I really need everyone's help right now!  This week has already been so much better, but I feel like there is so much more I could be doing.  I'm in a hole right now and I just want to get out of it.  I have the marathon coming up and summer...and so many goals I have that I want to hit, but I can't figure my head out right now!  I am doing this weight loss because all I want is to be healthy for myself and my family, and I keep thinking about how bad I want another child....but I REFUSE to be a pregnant overweight woman again and maybe gain a lot of weight!  I am just very frustrated right now with myself and my weight loss and I just want to be back on track.  Well I am back on track, but I feel like last week was so horrible I just totally screwed myself!  I want to be under 200 pounds!  I want that small goal so bad I can't stand it!  I just don't see why I don't work as hard as I was or possible can to get there.  My mind is everywhere...I am so overwhelmed with everything right now I just want to scream...but I think the only reason I feel this way is because I have been selling myself short on my weight loss.  When I was doing well (the last 3 months) I was not even close to as overwhelmed as I feel now!  I am sorry I am just saying everything I feel, but this is the reason I made this hold myself accountable!  I am just going to pray about it and I know I will get through this slump!  Thank you all for your encouragement as always!  Have a great evening!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Snack attack

After a horrible hard week...I'm back on board
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Friday, March 25, 2011


TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: 23.6 pounds lost.....I can't believe it!

My road to weight loss

My road to weight loss

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My road to weight loss

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am super PUMPED about this weeks weigh in!  I have had such a great week of work outs, running, and eating!  We are re doing our backyard and front yard so all weekend we were outside...lifting heavy bricks etc!  I feel GGGGGRRREEEAAAATTTT!  Even though the scale might not be a HUGE weight loss that I would like....even a little loss will excite me because of the past weeks I have had!  If anyone has any suggestions or helpful hints to help my weight loss pick back up...I would LOVE to hear it!  I know this is short and sweet, but I just wanted to talk about my excitement!  Thank you all for all your support!  Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So as you all know...I have been a little stressed about my weight loss the past couple weeks!  Mainly because the number has not gone done, but I have felt wonderful and like I was really losing!  Well today at All-American (where I work out as of now) I had my body fat measured again.  I am an a body fat contest thing!  Anyways, in 3 weeks I have lost 5% body now I am at 35%!  I'm not sure if that is necessarily good, but I LOST!  He also told me that I lost the most in my LOVE HANDLES!  I loath my love handles, so it is good to hear!  I feel like that is the little thing I needed to spark me up!  I had a wonderful work out today!  It is crazy how I can burn 350 calories in 30 minutes, but you can eat 350 calories in 30 seconds!  I DIDN'T....I'm just saying!  Ok guys I have way to much to do today to be chattin on the computer!  I hope all ya'll have as great of day as I am going to have!  And as always....THANK YOU ALL!

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Soreness at it's GREATEST!

So since my last long run of 9 miles 5 weeks ago....I have only been doing 3 miles about 3 or 4 times a week and only on a treadmill!  No because I want to, but because with 2 children it is the only way I have been able to do it!  But thanks to the time is still daylight when my husband gets home now and I am able to run outside again!  And let me tell you....I'M STRESSING!  I loathe running on a treadmill because it is so boring and it is so hard for me to go much further than 3 miles.  Then finally getting to run outside today like totally stressed me out because it was so hard!  I am running the half marathon in less than 2 months!  I know I will be fine, but my body feels so beat up from my short slow run of 2.2 miles this evening.  I feel like I have a pulled muscle or something in my left upper part of my leg.  I'm ready to have like 10 more pounds off of me because I know running will be that much easier with the extra weight off!  I know I need to stop stressing about my running, but I LOVE running and the past 2 years I have tried to run the half and other things have some double knee surgery and being 7 months pregnant with a beautiful baby Molly!  Either way I need to start stepping it WAY UP!  But now on to better things!  Thank you to all who have messaged me the past couple days after reading my blogs!  I really appreciate the motivation as always!  You really are helping me more than you know!  I am starting back weight watchers (or as Denise calls it) dub dub on Saturday!  I really can't wait!  I think this will help me with my lack of losing the past couple of weeks!  Well again thank you to all of you!  You are all so wonderful for helping through this weight loss journey of mine!  Hope ya'll all have a great evening!  I now need to finish this episode of Dexter and then watch the finale of the bachelor before I fall asleep sitting up!  Love ya'll!

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Two strips of turkey bacon and scrambled eggs
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Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been slacking lately on blogging....and I hate it!  I have not been slacking on my weight loss journey though..even though the scale does not say the same!  I have been working out and eating well, but I feel overwhelmed with the weight loss right now!  5 weeks ago I was at 203!  I was so excited and new that I would be under 200 pounds in no time!  Now 5 weeks later I am still at 204!  I am starting to get very frustrated and overwhelmed! Size wise I feel so great and can really tell that I am slimming down, but again the scale is not saying that!  I know I should not be upset, but I feel like the last 5 weeks have just been a waste!  I am really considering joining weight watchers again!  I know it works, and I really like it...but I was really enjoying doing it on my own.  I feel like I am at a slow point and need some help!  I am planning on weighing in on Friday morning and then going to weight watchers!  I also feel that my blog helps me so much, but I have just been slacking way to much on it!  I am going to try and blog at least 4 times a week!  I loved at the beginning of my journey when I was taking a lot more photos and videos!  I am going to start trying to do that more as well!  Thanking you to all of you for following me and continuing to help me on my journey!  I love you all!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Road to weight loss

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cellulite is ok...

Everyone has it..
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road to weight loss

Friday, March 4, 2011

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My new running kicks...long over due...i can't wait to run tomorrow...

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Great Start...

This morning was my weekly weigh in!  And WOO HOO...I lost 1.6 pounds!  I'm not mad about that at all!  That means I maintained or lost when I was on vacation!  I set a pretty high goal a couple of weeks ago, and it was the week I had to weigh in early!  I'm not using that as an excuse, but I did not hit it!  This week I am setting a goal of 3.8 pounds...that will put me right at 200!  I feel like I have been just playing around to much with my weight this past 3 weeks or so.  I would have a great loss...then gain...then have a tiny loss....NOT ANYMORE!  This week I will lose at least 3.8 pounds!  Well I'm super happy with this weeks weigh in!  Also....I want to give a big shout(haha)  to my Mother-in-law who has lost like 18 pounds in a month!  She is doing weight watchers and she is doing such an amazing job!  Way to go Cindy....I love you and am so proud of you!  Also, to my daddy...he has lost like 13 or 14 pounds and OMG you can like totally tell!  His little belly is gone!  Congrats daddy....I love you more than you will EVER now!  You have always been an amazing role model!  Congrats to everyone losing weight and trying to get healthy!  Love you all and have a wonderful Friday!

Road to weightloss

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's been awhile....

Well....I'm back!  It has been a long crazy week!  I hate the fact that I have not written anything or posted anything lately!  I have quite a few videos I have not posted because I was never able to upload them because of no WI FI!  I will post them soon!  I feel pretty excited about tomorrows weigh in!  I was at 203 2 weeks ago...then gained 2, but I feel like I am at least back to 203...but hopefully lost more!  This week has been a great  eating week..and an ok work out week!  I have been very overwhelmed with everything, but I don't feel like that will make a difference with my weight!  Well.... I hope it won't!  Tomorrow will be a great day, and a great start to another week!  Thank you all for following!  Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Road to weight loss

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Road to weight loss

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Road to weight loss

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Road to weight loss

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I'm so emotional right now watching the Biggest Loser!  I love this show so much!  It has made me realize maybe I have not been giving it my all these last couple weeks!  I feel like I could be doing so much more!  I feel like I have slightly lost my excitement!  I'm still doing better than I was before I started my road to weight loss, but I feel like I am not as hardcore as I was!  I want that back...and I will get that back!  This week I am weighing in tomorrow...Wednesday the 23rd because we are going out of town until I am a little nervous I have not lost much or any!  I had a 5 pound goal this week, but I don't think I have hit it, but next week I will!  I want to hit my goals...short and long term!  I have to get going!  This is to take my life back!  Thank you all for your support!  You all mean so much to me!  I hope you all have a great evening!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well I'm just going to say it....I gained 2.4 pounds last week :( completely sucks, but I have dealt with it and I am over it!  Today started a new week....and I'M READY!  I have big goals for this week!  It is going to be amazing!  I killed it today, and everyday this week is going to be that way!  Usually I don't work out Friday and Saturday, but not this week!  I worked out both!  YEE-HAW!  So my big goal for this week is 5.4  pounds!  I  know this is a pretty big goal, but if I just focus and work on it I can totally hit it!  I'm ready for this week!  I really need to focus on eating all my meals this week!  We are going to the grocery store tomorrow....we are getting pretty low on food!  I'm pretty pumped about it to!  But to make things even more exciting!  I entered a contest at my  gym All American!  It's a body fat percentage contest!  $20 buy in and the women and men winner take all!  I'm really excited about this...mainly because I am going to win!  But here goes the not so fun part... my starting out body fat percentage!  It's pretty bad, but it is getting lower by the here we go!  Starting out as of February 19th it is 40%...yes I said 40%!  I don't really know what I should lose average so I am not going to make any goals!  We will measure it again on March 11th and then April 11th is the final measure! sum up this blog...I'm over the weight gain and moving on to this week!  I will lose weight this week!  Thank you all for following me!  I am so grateful for all of you!  Also whoever is reading this will you start following me if your not already?  Even if I don't know you I would love for you to follow!  It's because of all of you I am making it!  Hope you all have a great weekend!  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Road to weight loss

I'm not giving up because of a gain...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not the best week....

So I have been struggling a little bit this week!  I have not eaten bad, but I don't feel like I have been eating enough and not lots of fruit and veggies!  Being back to regular (no snow days) and having lots of clients and shows I have been so busy!  This is not going to stop to me, I just have to get back iIn the swing of things!  I feel a little stressed about this weeks weigh in because last week was great and I was so pumped, and this week I just feel blah!  I'm not going to let this get me down!  As of now I am 4 pounds aways from being under 200 pounds and within 2 weeks I WILL be there!  Jonathan and I are going to workout after he gets home from work which will be my first time to workout this week:(  Thank you all for following me and for all your encouragement!  Ya'll have a great evening!

Friday, February 11, 2011

My weight loss so far!

Starting week 6 weeks ago  223.8
Week 2    215.8 8 pounds lost
Week 3 209.8 6 pounds lost
Week 4 209.8 none
Week 5 207.8 2 pounds lost
Week 6 207.4 .4 pounds lost
Week 7 203.00 4.4 pounds lost


My road to weightloss

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hello Zumba....It's so wonderful to meet you!

WOW!  This evening I decided to finally try Zumba...and OH MY GOODNESS....I'm in love!  It was so much fun and such an amazing work out!  I felt like I was back in dance class!  I can't believe it has taken me so long to finally try it!  I definitely recommend it to anyone that has ever thought about taking it!  Well... tomorrow is weigh in day!  I am so excited!  My goal for this week was 2 pounds, and I really feel like I have met it!  I guess we will see tomorrow morning!  I'm going to keep this pretty short tonight because I am exhausted!  Thank ya'll for your support and I hope you all have a wonderful evening!  Can't wait for the morning!  Good Night!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RUN...RUN....RUUUNNNNN!!!'s Wednesday Feb. 9th and I just finished my work out for the day!  Towards the end of my afternoon and early evening I started to get really stressed out:(  I was feeling so stressed because I was thinking to myself... am I doing everything I can and should be doing this week to lose at least 2 pounds?  I just felt overwhelmed!  I know I have been doing ever thing, but the past couple of days I have found myself snacking more than usual!  Now not necessarily on horrible things and I am staying within my calories, but mostly crackers!  Crackers make me feel so guilty!  And one of the main ways I have put on a lot of my weight was from "innocent" snacking!  When you start getting lazy is when you start your same bad habits~  Well I faced mine today and I promised myself I will not do it anymore!  Before the gym I felt really stressed and overwhelmed...but after my work out I felt AMAZING!!!!!!  I did a 3 mile run like usual, but I did it in my quickest time since I started my road to weight loss!  2 weeks ago it took me 37:45 to run 3 miles...and I am fine with that because my goal is just to always run never walk, but tonight I did it in 31:16!  WOO HOOOOOOO!!!  It felt so great...and then finished my work out...and I felt WONDERFUL and no more stress!  I feel so good now and relaxed!  I am so happy I am on this journey!  Thank you all for all your support and help!  Tomorrow is going to be an OUTSTANDING day...then Friday is weigh in!  Stay warm! I love you ALL!

road to weightloss

Monday, February 7, 2011

Work out time...

I love it...
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I woke up today felling pretty tired and not wanting to get out of bed! exactly what I felt like!  Then I made myself a little breakfast and thought...I am going to go work out and start my day off right!  I'm so pumped!  This week I WILL lose at least 2 pounds!  I am determined this week...well I am pretty determined every week, but this week is going to be AMAZING!  I am getting healthy!  If I lose my 2 pound goal this week I will be at an 18.4 pounds lost total!  I have never in my life lost 18+ pounds legitimately in my life!  If I had lost it, it was from some stupid crash diet...something that I gained back immediately!  I just feel so GREAT today!  Nothing is going to hold me back from my goal this week....not even the stinkin WEATHER!  I truly believe that if you are just positive in life and your WILL succeed!   Being a happy positive person can change everything!  I feel I am a pretty positive person, but today I want to change it to where....I KNOW I am a positive person!  Not only for today or this week, but FOREVER!  Gosh...I truly LOVE life and thank you all for being a part of mine and for all of ya'lls support!  I love all of you and thank you again!  GOD IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO GREAT!  Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

3 BROKEN Computers! seems like it has been forever since I blogged!  Probably because it has been awhile.  We have 3 computers in our home...and at this moment they are ALL broken!  So ANNOYING!  Needless to say...I have not blogged much bc I hate blogging from my phone!  Anyways...GREAT news!  I wore a pair of pants I bought about 2 weeks ago and they are already getting to big on me!  WOO HOO!  It's so excited losing all this weight and getting healthy:) but I have no clothes that fit me!  I know I have talked about this before, but now it is getting really bad!  I did find a pair of pre Molly Mae jeans that were brand new in my closet 2 weeks ago.  I  couldn't not fit into them then, but don't kid yourself...tonight...IT HAPPENED!  I wore them for the super bowl tonight!  YEE-HAW!  I love it!  This week I am going for 2 pounds!  I hope I get there!  Last week not work out was tough!  This week I will not be missing work outs...NO MATTER WHAT!  Well's time to say goodnight!  I love you all and am so thankful for all your support!  Hope you have a marvelous evening!  It;s time for DEXTER!  Night!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snowed in work out

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Road to weight loss

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Snowed in workout

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Snowed in workout

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Snowed in workout

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Snowed in workout

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowed in... has been a pretty crazy week so far with the weather and all! I have not left the house since sunday:(and let me tell you...I have cabin fever like hardcore. My weigh in is tomorrow morning and I feel very nervous...I feel so guilty about this week...I feel like I have totally ruined everything...and I think it's ridiculous I feel this way because I have not cheated or eaten bad at all this week...but the only day I have worked out this week was last friday. Which was a nine mile run! I think I feel this way because I have been lazy all these snow days. I have barely even walked outside. Obviously this is because I would never get my children out in this weather...but I just feel like tomorrow I might be a little disappointed...but I keep telling myself it is ok. Next week will be better because no matter what I am working out...ALOT... Well wish me luck for the morning...and watch my video when I post it! I love all you guys so much...thank you for all your support!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Road to weight loss

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Road to weight loss

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Monday, January 31, 2011


Well you all know it is crazy outside, and the predictions say it is going to be even crazier tomorrow and Wednesday!  Needless to work outs are suffering!  It is so much harder for me to work out when I am at home then when I go to the gym:(  Tomorrow I am going to force myself to do a Tae Bo and lots of other exercises I know!  It was a tough weekend and I can feel a tough week coming on.  Not eating wise, but I am just exhausted!  Jonathan and I watched our first episode of I use to be fat on MTV last week, and I really liked it!  I kind of wish they would show more of what they were doing and what they were eating, but it is def. inspiring!  On each episode they have a 110 day count down sheet that they rip off each day....110 days to reach their goal.  We got the idea of doing that for me.  Not my final goal, but one of my goals.  At first I was going to go with a goal by my birthday July 8th, but instead I went with July 12th...which is the day that we leave for Las Vegas (my favorite place on Earth) for Leah Neal's wedding!  I'm not sure what my goal is going to be by then, but that gives me 177 days to meet my goal!  Actually...I have just decided my goal is going to be 50 pounds...which would put my weight at 157.8 pounds!  That is 2.5 pounds a week!  That is not my final goal, just one of my bigger goals!  I know I can do it!  I just have to stay focused and work hard!  I need to just continue doing what I am doing know and I know I can reach it!  Well guys...I'm exhausted....Stay warm and safe!  Thank you all for everything!  Have a great snow day!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Road to weightloss

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So...if any of you have looked at the pictures before this can tell that I decided to change up my outfit in my progress pictures.  I did not do this because I think I look good, or even should be allowed to be in this outfit.  I did this because I feel like it is the better way to see the weight coming off myself!  I have already put everything else out there...why not show even more what my body has become.  The shirt I was wearing was a tight shirt...even when I lose 50 pounds it will still be pretty tight..that's why I chose to change the outfit up!  Well tomorrow is the final weigh in of month number 1!  WOO HOO!  This is the 4th weigh in!  I can't believe it has already been a month!  I am super excited about tomorrow!  It should be a decent number!  I actually feel GREAT about this week!  I have worked out tons and best of all...I have eaten like GOLD!  I am hoping for 3 pounds, but will be pleased with any loss at all, even if it is point something!  I am also super excited because tomorrow morning my husband and I are going to run Lake Hefner!  Man...running is the most amazing thing EVER!  I love it!  Well I will for sure be back tomorrow sometime after weigh in!  Thank you all for all of your support!  Love ya'll!

Road to weightloss

I know it's not apretty site...but soon it will be
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Road to weightloss

The new way I am taking my journey pictures
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Road to weight loss...

Side view
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Road to weight loss

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I feel like I have not been taking enough pictures or even enough videos lately!  I feel like my life has been so stinkin crazy!  My goal from today on, is to start keeping up better with my blog!  I feel like I have done wonderful this week, but when I look in the mirror I don't feel like I look like I am losing any weight!  I know that it is harder for me to notice a change since I see myself everyday, I just hope the scale shows it this week!  I love the way I eat now!  I don't think I have gone one day without getting all of my fruits and veggies in!  For me....that's crazy!  I have been running like crazy lately!  I ran 7.37 miles on the morning I ran 1.13 and then that afternoon I ran 6.24!  It was amazing!  I felt like I could have continued for another hour at least, but I had someone coming over so I had to get home, and my phone died :(  I don't feel like I should have a problem at all with the half marathon!  I will run the entire thing, but I am a very slow runner!  I have no doubt of everyone I know I will be the last to finish....and you know what?  I am completely ok with that!  I am competing against no one but  myself!  My only goal is to run the entire time, and to finish!  I feel like as I lose more and more weight my time will start getting back to what it use to be!  Well I am going to blog again this evening, but Molly is fussing (she got her shots today) so I need to hold my love!  Hope ya'll all have a great afternoon!  Thank you for all the encouragement!

Yum yum yum yum yum...delicioso

Thank you backpack
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Monday, January 24, 2011

One of my favorite snacks

Baby carrots and a glass of water....
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My ouchi from when I fell running...

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A LONG tiring week...

Well this week is FINALLY over!  It has been a pretty tough week!  I don't really know why...maybe it's because I didn't lose any weight!  Honestly though...I'm not upset at all!  I did the same things that I have been doing, just didn't lose any!  But on a good note...I have lost 2...YES...2 pant sizes!  I can't believe it!  This is one reason I will not be discouraged by no loss this week!  Not only do I feel better, but now I am totally seeing it!  I can feel it though...this is going to be a GREAT week!  So you all probably know by know that I LOVE the show the Biggest Loser, well Jonathan and I started a thing at our church to help get everyone healthy in 2011!  It is kind of like the biggest loser...well I mean I guess only bc we are call it the Biggest Loser! haha  It's more that people will be trying to lose weight, but just by making better choices, and hopefully a lifestyle change!  I really hope it works and that everyone does well!  I want all of these great people to feel the way I have been feeling since I am eating SO MUCH BETTER!  I ran 2.32 miles or somewhere around there today!  I DID NOT want to!  Actually I was very mad as I was doing it because I was so tired and did not want to do it, but I did and by the end of it I felt a little better...with the exception of my last quarter mile I tripped and feel flat on my face.  At that point I was livid I was running, but at least I was almost finished!  All in All it was an ok run and I needed to do it so I'm happy I did!  By the way...I'm not going to lie and I know I am a dork, but going grocery shopping is probably one of my favorite things to do!  Especially now that we are buying only healthy things!  We left Crest tonight and Jonathan said, We should totally come here one night without the girls... wouldn't that be so fun?  Then he proceeded to suggest that be our next date night!  Now I might LOVE grocery shopping, but come on baby not as a date!  He was kidding though...well I hope he was at least!  Well guys...I am setting a small goal this week for 3 pounds!  I need a weight loss this week..BIG or makes me no difference!  A loss is a loss!  I hope you all have a marvelous week...and eat healthy!  Thank you all for everything!  Good Night Ya'll!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Road to weight loss 14

Friday, January 21, 2011

First time trying on clothes..

Two sizes down and this one pretty much to big...omg..omg..omg..
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Road to weight loss

Side view
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Road to weight loss

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Thursday, January 20, 2011


I feel so so excited about weighing in tomorrow, but I am also stressed!  I have been working so stinking hard and eating wonderfully, I just know one of these weigh ins will not be as well as my others!  Even though I do everything I should...for some reason I just feel that this week!  I mean...maybe not...maybe I will always be losing!  I'm not trying to not be positive, I just have this sick stressed feeling!  I am going to eat and work out today the same I always do, I just hope there is a negative on the scale in the morning!  WOO HOO!  I can't wait!  Thank you all for your support!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mcdonalds unfortunately was calling my name this morning.

So I did it...i went through the drive thru.....and bought a water....go me
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Lunch... bed peppers...a little 2% cheese a salad...and a big glass of water....yummy..mmm.mmm..mmmm
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Road to weight loss

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Road to weight loss

The new daily side view
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Changing right before my eyes...

I can't believe how much I feel my body changing!  I have recently been actually seeing the change.  I see it a little in my face, and a few days ago I had to buy smaller work out pants!  Tonight we went to the gym and I had an AMAZING work out!  I ran 4.25 miles and then did all my strength work outs!  I know this is goofy, but I am so passionate about my health and body now!  It makes me so happy to think of what I am putting in my body, especially compared to what I use to!  My husband a few years ago told me something(he still tells me the same thing all the time) that you just feel so good knowing you are treating your body well and feeding it healthy things!  He has always told me about my body being a temple and now I really believe it and am treating it like one!  He told me...Even when he is having bad days, at least he feels well because of how he treats his body!  I know it is kind of goofy, but I totally see and understand what he was saying!  I am so blessed that he has taught me so much and that we get to teach our children about health together!  I am starting to get pretty anxious about this weeks weigh in!  It should be good news, but like I say every week...if it is low or no loss at all...thats ok I am not going to get intimidated!  I can't expect HUGE numbers all the time!  Oh and by the way...I LOVE running!  It makes me feel so amazing!  If you have never ran...put some great songs on your I pod and just run! When I first started running a little over 2 years ago I ran .6 miles my first run!  So don't feel intimidated if you can't run far!  Pace yourself...don't run...just jog!  Breath in your nose and out your mouth!  That to me is the key to me making it far!  Anyways thank you all for helping me!  I appreciate all of you so much!

Road to weight loss 13

More of lifes temptations

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Road to weight loss 12

Goals are being MET!'s been 2 days since I wrote a blog or posted almost anything!  It has been a pretty busy last 2 days!  But if you all watched my weigh in video....then you all know I lost 6 POUNDS this past week!  I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!  I am down 14 pounds in 14 days~  And you know what makes me so happy...because I am not dieting!  I am changing my life!  I'm not kidding guys...I feel it now and see it now!  I have 2 pairs of pants that I bought a few days after Christmas....and they look silly on me because they are to big!  OH MY GOODNESS! I LOVE IT!  I feel like my life is now on track and the way it is suppose to be!  And you know what.....I have to brag for a short husband makes me feel like the most special woman on this earth!  He is my inspiration!  The way he makes me feel ALL the time, but especially the way he makes me feel because of how hard I am working!  He is so proud of me and is always telling me!  It makes me want to do even better!  What a special husband I have!  I'm so blessed!  I have a few more small goals and rewards that I would like to share with ya'll! next goal (not for this week, but short term goal) is my 20 pound mark...which I am 6 pounds from!  I will be 203!  WOO-HOO!  When I hit husband is taking me to the Hard Rock in Tulsa!  I know everyone says it is over rated, but we just want a getaway!  We are going to get a suite and just relax for a day and a half!  I can't wait!  I am not really making weekly goals, because I don't want to set one to high or to low...and then maybe be disappointed.  I know I will probably hit a Plateau at some point, so I just want to prepare myself and not be frustrated with it!  Unless I'm like my Best Friend Denise and NEVER hit a plateau!  I do need to brag again...this time about My best friend Denise!  You guys...2 years ago this month she started her weight loss journey by doing weight watchers!  This girl KILLED IT!  She met her goal weight in like 6 months and loss a total of I think about 50 pounds give or take a few!  She looks so amazing and has a whole new lifestyle of eating healthy!  I'm so proud of her!  She was unbelievably beautiful and happy before, but now I can tell she is even more complete!  Love you D!  Your AMAZING and a HUGE inspiration!  Your special to me!  I have been working out pretty hardcore this week!  My husband just got a new schedule (woo hoo) and is working 8-5 instead of 9-7, so now we get to go workout as soon as he gets home!  I LOVE working out together!  There is one thing that I love and hate about this new change I have made in my life!  I use to never feel guilty about eating badly!  Now I feel guilty about almost everything I eat...even though I have not put one single thing bad in my mouth since I started 2 and a half weeks ago!  I don't know's not like I would not eat because of it, but it is more like if I get Subway (which is the only place I have eaten out so far) I feel like I am cheating!  I don't know why I feel like that!  But I just tell ate a small subs with no cheese or any dressing...and my side is apple slices!  Get over it! new lifestyle is amazing and I could not be more pleased!  Thank you all for all your support!  Ya'll are helping more than you know!  Love you all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Road to weight loss 11

Road to weight loss..

Beginning of week3
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happiest I have EVER BEEN!

Well let me just start out by saying what I have been thinking all day!  I have been thinking about how I have always been a happy person and always LOVED my life, but not like the way I do now!  I absolutely LOVE life!  I have never in my life been as happy as I am at this point in my life...I have the Lord who is helping me through all of this...what a GREAT GOD!  I feel so lucky to have him!  Without him...NONE of this is possible! I have my unbelievable husband...I can't believe I was blessed with such an AMAZING man...he is the most supportive person I know!  Then to top it all off....I have 2 beautiful children that are my everything!  I am so proud that I am getting healthy so that they grow up healthy and looking up to me!  Madi Rae said to me today, "Mommy...I don't like french fries" and I said, " That's good Madi Rae, but it's ok if you do,"  then she said,"But mommy...I do like Chicken nuggets"  HAHA It was so cute!  I don't want my children to ever think they can never eat things like that...I just always want them to understand they can not live on it everyday!  So now on to something else....I decided on another small goal!  I want to fit into my wedding dress!  I know all of you are probably like...SERIOUSLY?  You got married a year and a half ago!  No excuse at all, but I did have a child and I gained A LOT of weight...hence one of the reasons I am doing this blog!  I think I was about 190 at our I still have a bit to go, but I think it is not to crazy of a goal!  I am really excited!  Also...I just thought I would share this!  I love buffalo sauce!  I eat it on EVERYTHING!    I just think it adds so much flavor and it is low in calories!  I know this might be bad, but I think one of the reasons is because I love buffalo wings...especially boneless (the worst ones for you) but it kind of makes me think I am eating them!  Anyways....tomorrow is weigh in day!  I CAN'T WAIT!  I feel like it should be good news!  I have eaten only good things and worked out a TONS!  We will see!  I know I have changed my weigh in day 3 times now, but the reason I have changed it and am sticking to Thursday is because starting tomorrow morning I am going to something called TOPS!  I had never heard of it until I talked to this girl in Kansas City that was going to it!  I am so excited!  It stands for...Taking Off Pounds Sensibly!  What it is, is I think more like a support group type thing!  I don't think they have a eating plan or anything to follow, but you do weigh in and you share things that have worked for you!  It is only $1 a week!  I think this is good for me! I thought about going to overeating support groups, but that has never been my problem!  I have never over ate...I just chose the wrong things to eat!  Ok...I am going to stop now because I am sure you are all bored!  Thank you all for your support!  Check out my early morning weight in!  I will be pleased with anything I see on the scale!  WOO HOO!  Love ALL OF YA'LL!

Road to weight loss

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Dinner...yum yum yum

Salmon(my favorite) peas and corn...and wing sauce to top it off..
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One of my favorite snacks...

Need to get some energy for tonights's going to be crazy...i can't wait
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Snack time

A banana and a water with a packet of crystal light..
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I left the house so quick to get madi to school I had no time for breakfast....180 calories
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snack attack...

Half way finished with my snack...10 carrots and a big glass of h2o
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Monday, January 10, 2011

What I want!

Do you know what I want?  I want to buy a pair of designer jeans!  Yes it is true...I have NEVER bought a pair of designer jeans.... not because I think they are to expensive.... or I didn't have the money, but because I have NEVER fit into them!  I want a pair!  I want jeans period.  I don't wear jeans to often, mostly because I don't like the way they fit me.  I am always wearing a dress or stretchy pants.  Now... I do LOVE both of those, but the whole reason is because I have always been to big.  If you notice, most overweight woman do the same thing I do.  No jeans!  That is one of my goals for sure, but that will be a while...and you know what?  That is ok!  I don't want plus size designer jeans..I want the real ones!  I have a while to get there...most designer jeans highest size is I think a 36!  I know most of you probably think  OH MY GOSH that is huge...well let me just be honest...I am a lot bigger than that!  But the last time I was a 36 waist I was 150 pounds!  Even when I was small I was still a bigger size because that is just how my body is!  I'm not so worried about my actual number size as I am being healthy and feeling GREAT!  If I could look the way I did in my Jr prom dress...I would be one happy girl!  I loved the way I looked then, but you know what size it was?  It was a 12!  I'm ok with that size, especially if I weight 140 and am that size, because I know I will be fit and healthy!  Bring it on!  Bring on the designer jeans!  I am so ready to start shopping in the good stores again...not the "special" stores...aka plus size stores!  I want Victoria Secret bras again....not Lane Bryant!  Nothing against Lane's's just not suppose to be the store I buy my clothes in anymore! I'm sure you all think I am crazy for saying my sizes and where I have to shop right now...but I am fed up with it!  I am so happy I am doing this!  I just felt all this in my heart and had to write it!  I love all you guys!  Thank you so much for everything!  Have a great night!

Road to weight loss 09

Road to weight loss..

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

A LONG LONG Weekend!

Well it's over...My first weekend away with my new healthy lifestyle...and I did GREAT!  I can't believe I did as well as I did!  I truly didn't eat anything I should not have!  I worked out both nights...the 2nd night the workout was jogging up the 20 flights of stairs to get to my room! I could not believe how hard it was!  I think it was harder to do that than run a few miles!  I can't believe how much I feel like I have already changed!  I feel so much stronger...I can say NO to food that is not good for me!  I did it ALL weekend!  I am so thankful the lord has given me the strength for this journey!  I know it is still 5 days away, but I can't wait till my weigh in on Friday!  As long as it is at least 2 pounds I will be very happy!  And you know what...I have already said it, If I don't lose any I will not get discouraged!  Thank you all for your encouragement!  Hope you all have a wonderful night!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My breakfast at kansas rally

Fruit for breakfast
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Friday, January 7, 2011

Road to weight loss day 10

At the hotel in kansas city...
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Well it is 7:08a.m. on Friday morning in Kansas City and I am up and adam drinking a 90 calorie tall skinny vanilla latte!  We have a Starbucks at our hotel!  Downtown Kansas City is really nice....I love it!  Last night when we got here my sponsor Connie and I did a big loop walking outside downtown then went up to the gym at the hotel and worked out!  It was a great 45 minute work-out!  I feel so blessed not only to have an amazing sponsor in Premier, but to also have a work-out partner on trips!  Working-out just makes you feel so good...and working-out when you are on a trip makes you feel REALLY good!  I was thinking about goals the other day and I thought of another one.  Well you all probably know one of my goals is the half marathon...well another goal that goes along with that one that I am setting for myself is....I want to be able to wear shorts in it!  haha!  I know it is kind of goofy, but I could wear shorts in it right now, but I want to be comfortable in my shorts...not yanking on them the entire run!  So I have watched about a fourth of the Biggest Loser so far....and let me tell you...I am always emotional when I watch that show, but this year it is a whole different emotion!  I am double as emotional....I'm assuming it is because I am going through the same thing!  Man that show...what an amazing inspiration!  I am feeling so positive about this weekend and how much I am going to grow as a Jeweler, but especially how much I am going to grow on my weight loss journey!  If I have ever been on a diet or eating healthy, and then went out of entire diet was always shot because I would eat whatever I wanted when I was out of town.....NOT THIS TIME!  I'm doing it this time...everywhere we have stopped to eat so far I have asked for a nutritional guide!  YEE-HAW!  I'm pretty excited about my next weigh-in!  It is suppose to be on Wednesday, but I think I am going to push it back to Friday and start weighing in on Fridays.  I hate waiting that extra 2 days because I am so anxious, I just like the idea of a Friday weigh-in!  Well I hope you all have the most amazing weekend!  Thank you as always for all your kind words of encouragement!  Jonathan...I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I miss you and the girls like CRAZY!  Thank you Jonathan for all your help and encouragement...I get chocked up thinking about you, because without you and your help Jonathan...I COULD NOT be doing this!  What a blessing you are to me!  Love you!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My last 2 days!

Hey guys!  So It has been a BUSY last 2 days!  I am now in Kansas City for Regional Rally with Premier!  This is going to be my biggest challenge yet!  So far... so good!  Yesterday was my first weight in...and I lost 8 pounds!  Woo-Hoo!  I can't believe it!  I am so pumped and so inspired by everyone!  I told my husband today....seeing fast food....I don't even crave it!  I know this weekend I am going to do well because I have it in my head!  I just am trying to stay postitive and brought alot of my own food!  I am making this short and sweet tonight because we just got here and I am going to work out!  I LOVE my new way of life!  This is me!  This is who I am suppose to be!  Thank you all again for everything!  Have an amazing weekend....I am still thinking of a weight loss goal for the end of biggest loser!  I will set it on Tuesday!

Road to weight loads Road yo weight loss day 9

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 08

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Road to weight loss weigh in 01

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Biggest Loser!

SO....the biggest loser started a new season tonight!  I have not watched it yet, I have it on I will watch it tomorrow!  But let me tell you I CAN'T WAIT!  I love that show! That is one of the shows that inspired me!  I would love to be on that show, but would hate to leave Jonathan and the girls for so long...especially when I know once I was ready I could do it myself!  I decided if I had enough courage to maybe be on national television weighing in and working out... then why not be a blog!  I have made a few more goals for myself that kind of go along with the show the biggest loser!  When I was working out today all I could think of was the show!  I was thinking of big challenges they did in the past season!  One was bike (on a stationary bike) a marathon!  I think this would be a great work out and goal for me to do!  Another one I thought of that was on a past season was 1,000 steps on a stepper!  I think this one would be a GREAT workout because doing the steps is tough!  I am anxious to see other challenges they do this season that I can add into my workout as well!  I also wanted to set a weight loss goal to meet by the season finale of the biggest loser, the season is 3 months long (that we see, the contestants are actually doing it for 6 months),but I wanted a little help from you guys!  I am in this as much as they are, I just have half the time they do!  Remember...I am eating as well as they are, but I can only work out an hour to 2 a day!  So give me some ideas and I will decided by next Tuesday what my goal will be!  But enough with that...Tomorrow is the FIRST of many weigh ins!!  I am sooooo excited and nervous to see what I loss!  I am confident I have loss! My trainer(I am not going to him right now, but will be back to him soon) Shawn Busby always told me...if I work out the way I do and eat's WILL LOSS WEIGHT!  That is why I feel ok about tomorrow morning!  I also know that no matter what...I WILL NOT get discouraged!  On ending this week, I want to tell yall all once again THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support and encouragement!  If I have not written you back I just might take a bit!  I feel so good about all of this and it again is because of ALL OF YOU!  Thank you all!  Check out the video bright and early in the morning to see how much I lost in week one!  Have a marvelous evening!  

Day 07

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My road to weight loss08

my road to weight loss 07

Knee sweat..

Yes that is knee sweat...ha ha...
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