Monday, January 31, 2011


Well you all know it is crazy outside, and the predictions say it is going to be even crazier tomorrow and Wednesday!  Needless to work outs are suffering!  It is so much harder for me to work out when I am at home then when I go to the gym:(  Tomorrow I am going to force myself to do a Tae Bo and lots of other exercises I know!  It was a tough weekend and I can feel a tough week coming on.  Not eating wise, but I am just exhausted!  Jonathan and I watched our first episode of I use to be fat on MTV last week, and I really liked it!  I kind of wish they would show more of what they were doing and what they were eating, but it is def. inspiring!  On each episode they have a 110 day count down sheet that they rip off each day....110 days to reach their goal.  We got the idea of doing that for me.  Not my final goal, but one of my goals.  At first I was going to go with a goal by my birthday July 8th, but instead I went with July 12th...which is the day that we leave for Las Vegas (my favorite place on Earth) for Leah Neal's wedding!  I'm not sure what my goal is going to be by then, but that gives me 177 days to meet my goal!  Actually...I have just decided my goal is going to be 50 pounds...which would put my weight at 157.8 pounds!  That is 2.5 pounds a week!  That is not my final goal, just one of my bigger goals!  I know I can do it!  I just have to stay focused and work hard!  I need to just continue doing what I am doing know and I know I can reach it!  Well guys...I'm exhausted....Stay warm and safe!  Thank you all for everything!  Have a great snow day!

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