Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goals are being MET!'s been 2 days since I wrote a blog or posted almost anything!  It has been a pretty busy last 2 days!  But if you all watched my weigh in video....then you all know I lost 6 POUNDS this past week!  I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT!  I am down 14 pounds in 14 days~  And you know what makes me so happy...because I am not dieting!  I am changing my life!  I'm not kidding guys...I feel it now and see it now!  I have 2 pairs of pants that I bought a few days after Christmas....and they look silly on me because they are to big!  OH MY GOODNESS! I LOVE IT!  I feel like my life is now on track and the way it is suppose to be!  And you know what.....I have to brag for a short husband makes me feel like the most special woman on this earth!  He is my inspiration!  The way he makes me feel ALL the time, but especially the way he makes me feel because of how hard I am working!  He is so proud of me and is always telling me!  It makes me want to do even better!  What a special husband I have!  I'm so blessed!  I have a few more small goals and rewards that I would like to share with ya'll! next goal (not for this week, but short term goal) is my 20 pound mark...which I am 6 pounds from!  I will be 203!  WOO-HOO!  When I hit husband is taking me to the Hard Rock in Tulsa!  I know everyone says it is over rated, but we just want a getaway!  We are going to get a suite and just relax for a day and a half!  I can't wait!  I am not really making weekly goals, because I don't want to set one to high or to low...and then maybe be disappointed.  I know I will probably hit a Plateau at some point, so I just want to prepare myself and not be frustrated with it!  Unless I'm like my Best Friend Denise and NEVER hit a plateau!  I do need to brag again...this time about My best friend Denise!  You guys...2 years ago this month she started her weight loss journey by doing weight watchers!  This girl KILLED IT!  She met her goal weight in like 6 months and loss a total of I think about 50 pounds give or take a few!  She looks so amazing and has a whole new lifestyle of eating healthy!  I'm so proud of her!  She was unbelievably beautiful and happy before, but now I can tell she is even more complete!  Love you D!  Your AMAZING and a HUGE inspiration!  Your special to me!  I have been working out pretty hardcore this week!  My husband just got a new schedule (woo hoo) and is working 8-5 instead of 9-7, so now we get to go workout as soon as he gets home!  I LOVE working out together!  There is one thing that I love and hate about this new change I have made in my life!  I use to never feel guilty about eating badly!  Now I feel guilty about almost everything I eat...even though I have not put one single thing bad in my mouth since I started 2 and a half weeks ago!  I don't know's not like I would not eat because of it, but it is more like if I get Subway (which is the only place I have eaten out so far) I feel like I am cheating!  I don't know why I feel like that!  But I just tell ate a small subs with no cheese or any dressing...and my side is apple slices!  Get over it! new lifestyle is amazing and I could not be more pleased!  Thank you all for all your support!  Ya'll are helping more than you know!  Love you all!

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