Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wonderful Weekend!

Hello blog!  This has been an amazing weekend!  A few reasons why!  One I love my life and have a wonderful husband, and wonderful children, 2 because it is 2011...I LOVE IT, and 3 because this is truly the first weekend in my life to say I ate healthy the ENTIRE weekend!  Yesterday for the football game we went to a friends house, there was tons of yummy things that I really wanted there, but I chose to only drink 4 glasses of water and have about 10 baby carrots!  I was so proud of myself!  I have NEVER done that.  Usually I would just sneek one or two chips!  Not last night!  Then this evening we had womens group at church and OH MY GOODNESS there was so much food!  It was so tempting and amazing, but I decided I would bring something healthy so I could eat.  I brought carrots again, and tonight I had about 15!  Until last night I never even liked carrots!  Man...GOD is so good!  He is helping me through all of this!  I feel so blessed that he has given me the strength to do this!  This afternoon at about 4:30 I set out to do a short run...I was thinking just 1 or 2 miles...I ended up running 4!  It just felt right...I didn't want to stop!  This is the energy and motivation I have been wanting for years!  I am sure this time I am sticking with it!  After church today we stopped by Crest to pick up some food and at the check out there was the People half their size issue!  I buy it every year for motivation!  This year seeing them made me more excited than ever because I have never been so motivated in my life!  This next weekend I believe is going to be a challenge for me, mainly because I will be out of town for 3 nights and 4 days...without my husband.  I know I can do it, I just think it is going to be extra hard!  I would love your prayers for me to have the strength to just say NO!  It has only been 5 days and I feel like a different woman!  My energy levels are higher and I just feel better about myself!  And you know what?  I truly feel confident the scale will agree on Wednesday!  I can't wait for Wednesday!  Thank you all again for your encouragement and love!  Hope yall all have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. YAY friend! I'm so proud of you, and we HAVE to start running together! Sounds like you had a good weekend, can't wait till Tuesday!
