Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Biggest Loser!

SO....the biggest loser started a new season tonight!  I have not watched it yet, I have it on dvr...so I will watch it tomorrow!  But let me tell you I CAN'T WAIT!  I love that show! That is one of the shows that inspired me!  I would love to be on that show, but would hate to leave Jonathan and the girls for so long...especially when I know once I was ready I could do it myself!  I decided if I had enough courage to maybe be on national television weighing in and working out... then why not be a blog!  I have made a few more goals for myself that kind of go along with the show the biggest loser!  When I was working out today all I could think of was the show!  I was thinking of big challenges they did in the past season!  One was bike (on a stationary bike) a marathon!  I think this would be a great work out and goal for me to do!  Another one I thought of that was on a past season was 1,000 steps on a stepper!  I think this one would be a GREAT workout because doing the steps is tough!  I am anxious to see other challenges they do this season that I can add into my workout as well!  I also wanted to set a weight loss goal to meet by the season finale of the biggest loser, the season is 3 months long (that we see, the contestants are actually doing it for 6 months),but I wanted a little help from you guys!  I am in this as much as they are, I just have half the time they do!  Remember...I am eating as well as they are, but I can only work out an hour to 2 a day!  So give me some ideas and I will decided by next Tuesday what my goal will be!  But enough with that...Tomorrow is the FIRST of many weigh ins!!  I am sooooo excited and nervous to see what I loss!  I am confident I have loss! My trainer(I am not going to him right now, but will be back to him soon) Shawn Busby always told me...if I work out the way I do and eat clean...it's math...you WILL LOSS WEIGHT!  That is why I feel ok about tomorrow morning!  I also know that no matter what...I WILL NOT get discouraged!  On ending this week, I want to tell yall all once again THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support and encouragement!  If I have not written you back I will...it just might take a bit!  I feel so good about all of this and it again is because of ALL OF YOU!  Thank you all!  Check out the video bright and early in the morning to see how much I lost in week one!  Have a marvelous evening!  

1 comment:

  1. Brittany I am also just starting a weight loss plan myself and I was so discouraged because of how much weight I need to lose to be at a healthy weight. You have inspired me so much after seeing your blog to have the motivation to finally go full force and not be so discouraged....You are such an amazing sweet beautiful person and I wish you the best of luck throughout your journey to your goal weight!

    Melissa Duffey
