Monday, January 3, 2011

Tough Day

Today so far has been a tough day so far...not only for eating, but mostly for just my sanity!  I feel like everything is falling through and I have a very overwhelming amount of things I have to get finished before Wednesday.  I planned on going to work out with the girls this morning at 10:30 at All-American, but then Jonathan and I forgot that I had to take him to get his car.  So I thought...well I can just work out at my gym on the north side and see if my sister or mother would help watch the girls while I work out (there is no daycare at this gym)  When I got there my sister was still asleep and my mother was exhausted, so I didn't even want to ask because I felt so bad!  They help out all the time as it is!  So I had missed my chance to work out until late tonight:(  I had a client coming at noon!  My noon client got here... and thank the lord my sister-in-law was almost here, because the kids were not happy!  After my client left I wanted to cook a healthy lunch, and Molly Mae just did not want to work with me!  My sister-in-law was still here, but I never want her to think I take advantage of her.  I know she doesn't, but she helps me so much when I have a client or am overwhelmed!  But the good news is...I made her, myself, and Madi Rae a healthy lunch for today.  I still have a very dirty house to get spotless by Wednesday and one more client today, but at least I have not cheated myself with eating...because believe was the first day I have really wanted a Dt. Coke....but I'm not!  Have a great rest of your Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like u made it through the day alive! Proud of u friend!
