Sunday, January 23, 2011

A LONG tiring week...

Well this week is FINALLY over!  It has been a pretty tough week!  I don't really know why...maybe it's because I didn't lose any weight!  Honestly though...I'm not upset at all!  I did the same things that I have been doing, just didn't lose any!  But on a good note...I have lost 2...YES...2 pant sizes!  I can't believe it!  This is one reason I will not be discouraged by no loss this week!  Not only do I feel better, but now I am totally seeing it!  I can feel it though...this is going to be a GREAT week!  So you all probably know by know that I LOVE the show the Biggest Loser, well Jonathan and I started a thing at our church to help get everyone healthy in 2011!  It is kind of like the biggest loser...well I mean I guess only bc we are call it the Biggest Loser! haha  It's more that people will be trying to lose weight, but just by making better choices, and hopefully a lifestyle change!  I really hope it works and that everyone does well!  I want all of these great people to feel the way I have been feeling since I am eating SO MUCH BETTER!  I ran 2.32 miles or somewhere around there today!  I DID NOT want to!  Actually I was very mad as I was doing it because I was so tired and did not want to do it, but I did and by the end of it I felt a little better...with the exception of my last quarter mile I tripped and feel flat on my face.  At that point I was livid I was running, but at least I was almost finished!  All in All it was an ok run and I needed to do it so I'm happy I did!  By the way...I'm not going to lie and I know I am a dork, but going grocery shopping is probably one of my favorite things to do!  Especially now that we are buying only healthy things!  We left Crest tonight and Jonathan said, We should totally come here one night without the girls... wouldn't that be so fun?  Then he proceeded to suggest that be our next date night!  Now I might LOVE grocery shopping, but come on baby not as a date!  He was kidding though...well I hope he was at least!  Well guys...I am setting a small goal this week for 3 pounds!  I need a weight loss this week..BIG or makes me no difference!  A loss is a loss!  I hope you all have a marvelous week...and eat healthy!  Thank you all for everything!  Good Night Ya'll!

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